Methylamine 74-89-5 MMA 40% Solution in methanol

الوصلة, OM 430,000 دولار

قبل 9 أشهر جديد مطلوب 19 الزيارات رقم الأعلان #26645


MMA 40% 74-89-5 Methylamine methanol large in stock safe delivery

Application:reaserch chemical
we have 74-89-5 liquid in three kinds of products,which can solution in water, methanol and Ethanol with COA certificates.

What is MMA 40% Monomethylamine Solution 74-89-5?

Monomethylamine 40% aqueous solution (MMA40) is a versatile building block that is used in a wide variety of applications. We produce a number of MMA derivatives like NMP, metam sodium, MMEA and MDEA.

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Wuhan Lwax Pharma Tech Co., Ltd.
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Does methylamine dissolve in water?
Methylamine is a colorless gas, heavier than air with a strong fish-like odor. It is very soluble in water and various organic solvents

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