Valerophenone CAS 1009-14-9 colorless liquid

Ar Ramthā, اربد, JO 20 دولار

قبل 1 شهر 11 الزيارات رقم الأعلان #34036


Product Name: Valerophenone CAS Number: 1009-14-9 Molecular Formula: C11H14O Molecular Weight: 162.23 g/mol Valerophenone CAS 1009-14-9 Valerophenone is a versatile compound used in various chemical processes and industrial applications. It is an essential building block for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and other specialty chemicals. The compound’s unique properties make it suitable for diverse applications in the manufacturing of flavors, perfumes, and agrochemicals. Welcome to contact us for best quotation: Oris Industrial Co., Ltd. Whatsapp/ Signa/Telegram: +44 7593790150 Email: Session: 0584d80c9db1124b51b6d587989da368440d96e7afb929411eec43f29c54ff613c

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