supply white powder 2-phenylacetamide CAS 103-81-1

Ar Ramthā, اربد, JO 20 دولار

قبل 4 أسابيع 4 الزيارات رقم الأعلان #34035


2-phenylacetamide CAS 103-81-1 Product Name: 2-Phenylacetamide Molecular Weight: 135.16 g 2-phenylacetamide, known by its CAS number of 103-81-1, is an indispensable pharmaceutical compound, serving as an important building block in drug production. With an empirical formula of C8H9NO and molecular weight of 135.16 g/mol, it is highly prized for its versatility and reactivity. Whrhcem provides reliable chemical and pharmaceutical raw material suppliers to various industries across all verticals with premium-quality products, superior customer service, and prompt deliveries. Welcome to contact us for best quotation: Oris Industrial Co., Ltd. Whatsapp/ Signa/Telegram: +44 7593790150 Email: Session: 0584d80c9db1124b51b6d587989da368440d96e7afb929411eec43f29c54ff613c


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