SR9009 CAS:1379686-30-2

Al Mindak, منطقة الباحة, SA 50 دولار

قبل 9 أشهر جديد للبيع 10 الزيارات رقم الأعلان #25788


SR9009 has a lethal effect on cancer cells and oncogene-induced senescent cells, including melanocyte nevus, but has no effect on the viability of normal cells and tissues. SR9009 regulates autophagy and lipid regeneration, which plays a key role in inducing apoptotic responses in malignant cells. Treatment of cancer cells with SR9009, by detecting the splicing of caspase3 and TUNEL tests, treatment of cancer cells with SR9009 reduced their cell viability because the apoptotic response was induced. SR9009 reduces the number of autophagosomes and thus inhibits autophagy.

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